Team Contract
Preliminary Information
Guiding Principles
- Collaborate to resolve disagreements through compromise
- Work towards innovation and creative strategies to success
- Positive attituted and optimistic outlooks, but be realistic too
- Everyone should be happy with the final product and the process to get there
Preliminary Focus on Purpose
- Purpose: Design a platform that will allow users to collaboratively share information based on location
- Team Goal: Learn more about the process behind designing a good product and how to make products more accessible to general demographics
- Target people interested in learning more about the world
Dividing Up the Teamwork: Group Roles
- Shared responsibility for leadership and power
- Rotation for roles/jobs that need to be done
Note-taker will keep minutes and share with the group after meetings
List of items already accomplished
List of items to be accomplished
Dividing Up the Task: The Divsion of Labor
- Shared responsibility for labor
- Creation of a task list (ongoing and consistently updated) and equal delegation based on skills)
Developing a Team Plan
Group Proposal:
- Create Logo
- Decide on Team Name
- Revise feedback from individual proposal
- Create Github project page
- Create page for contract
- Create page for proposal
- Add citations and source materials along with team information
- Create links to project page on individual course pages
Meeting Management
- Meetings as frequently as needed, default to once a week
- Doodle polls or group messages fro scheduling
- Attend meetings that you have committed to but understanding extenuating circumstances
- Positive attitudes but everyone has bad days
- Stay focused, allow for positive and negative feedback
- Everyone contributes and pays attention, one at a time
- Majority rules for decision making, aim to compromise
Accountability Processes
- Expectation is if you are assigned a task, you are responsible for completing it
- Use of the task list to delegate and track which members are
Rewards and Punishments
- Team works together to mitigate disruptions and disruptive behavior
- Failure to meet commitments will result in poor final team feedback, but steps will be taken before then to make necessary adjustments accordingly
- Success will be rewarded with good final team feedback and a better product; internally, should be recognized by the team
- Check negatvie feedback to ensure it’s not an outlier, but make strides towards minimizing issues
- Should issues with the contract arise the group will discuss concerns
- Bring up issues in the group char or during meetings
- Majority rules for revisions